In the 19th century, choro resulted from the style of playing several musical genres(polka, schottische, waltz, mazurka and habanera) by carioca musicians, who were already strongly influenced by African rhythms, principally the lundu and the batuque. The term “choro” was used informally at first to refer to the style of playing, or a particular instrumental ensemble. In the 1870s flutist Joaquim Antônio da Silva Callado formed an ensemble called “Choro Carioca”, with flute, two guitars and cavaquinho), and later the term referred to the music genre of these ensembles. The accompanying music of the Maxixe (dance) (also called “tango brasileiro”) was played by these choro ensembles. Various genres were incorporated as subgenres of choro such as “choro-polca”, “choro-lundu” “choro-xote” (from schottische), “choro-mazurca”, “choro-valsa” (waltz), “choro-maxixe”, “samba-choro”, “choro baião”.
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