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DECEMBER 4th, 2021
4:00 PM – NY Time
Get your popcorn, relax, and enjoy the music!
How To Perform at the ChoroFest 2021
Brazilian Music Foundation invites all
Choro musicians to join ChoroFest 2021.
About the Festival
BMF’s VII International Choro Festival entitled “Choro Around the World” includes the participation of professional musicians from different parts of the world and consists of a selection of works from major Brazilian composers and new compositions.
Fundraiser Event
Benefit Concert to the “Future of Our Children Program”
We will select a list of 20 pieces from different composers to be performed by musicians. Each group will choose two pieces to perform, one can be authorial, and the other must be from the list, or both from the list.
Band Format
The format of each group is up to the musicians to decide.
Original Videos only!
The festival will only accept original videos, not promoted on any social media or websites.
How to apply?
The process is easy !
Just complete and submit the application in the link below.
The deadline to apply is Friday October 15th 2021.
All registrations will be reviewed and replied to within 24 hrs.