II International
Brazilian Classical Music Festival – USA
“The African Influences of Brazilian Music”
The art music of Brazil is incomprehensible without the contributions of the traditional music of the indigenous populations and, most importantly, the African groups that were brought to the country as slaves during the colonial and monarchical periods. The beginnings of Brazilian nationalism in the late 19th century owed much to the incorporation of traditional melodies, rhythms, instruments, and sonorities from African music, which by then had been assimilated into all levels of Brazilian culture. The musical forms that were cultivated by the first nationalist Brazilian composers made direct and indirect references to African traditions, sometimes through verbatim quotations of rhythms and melodies but, more often, through a reinterpretation of these elements in the context of European models.
The Festival
This concert showcases the richness and variety of the compositional procedures and techniques that Brazilian composers employed in order to project the rich African heritage of the country. These include dance forms, syncopated rhythms, unusual interval patterns, sonorities that emulate African instruments and, perhaps more significantly, a general vitality that expresses the kinetic nature of much of African music. Some of the most representative Brazilian composers, both from the older and younger generations, are featured with works that bring into focus their individual response to the African tradition and, in doing so, placed this rich heritage within a more universal and cosmopolitan context.
The Musicians
Some of the musicians participating in the Second International Festival of Brazilian Classical Music by BMF are, the pianists Clélia Iruzun, Max Barros, Mauricy Martin, Sylvia Thereza, Christina Margotto, Renato Figueiredo, Ronaldo Rolim, Susanne Hess, Durval Cesetti, tenor Kaio Morais, baritone Angelo Fernandez, violinist Ronedilk Dantas, harmonica José Staneck playing works by Villa-Lobos, Camargo Guarnieri, Francisco Mignone, Osvaldo Lacerda, Marlos Nobre, Fábio Neves among others, in countries like England, Portugal, Belgium, USA and Brazil.

“The Future of Our Children” Program
Benefit Concert
BMF’s 2nd International Festival of Brazilian Classical Music will be presented online to benefit the Project “Bem Me Quer Paquetá” / Casa de Artes de Paquetá, a non-profit organization founded in 1999.
About the project
“Bem Me Quer Paquetá is an artistic, cultural training project incorporating symphonic music, integrated arts and citizenship, for children and young people from the Island of Paquetá.” The project was developed on the Island to make it possible for many low-income children to learn music, since previously, the only way would be to go to the city of Rio de Janeiro by ferry, which is expensive. The project has become a safe haven for many low-income children and also for all the children on the island who want to learn music and art.
Read more:
Open to the public, with suggestions for donations | $35+
The Brazilian Music Foundation is a 501 (c) (3)
non-profit organization, and all donations in the U.S. are tax-deductible
Doações no Brasil
Banco Itaú – 341
Agência 6016 – Paquetá
Conta Corrente: 03052-7
CNPJ: 06.036.950/0001-52
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First set
Camargo Guarnieri – Improviso no.1
Max Barros, piano
Francisco Mignone – Congada
Clélia Iruzun, piano
Marlos Nobre – Estrela do mar
Angelo Fernandes, baritone
Mauricy Martin, piano
Villa-Lobos – Dança do Índio Branco
Sylvia Thereza, piano
Second set
Camargo Guarnieri – Dança Negra
Christina Margotto, piano
Osvaldo Lacerda – Toada, Op. 2
Renato Figueiredo, piano
Oswaldo de Souza – Aruanda
Kaio Morais, tenor
Ronedilk Dantas, violin
Leonardo Silva, percussion
Durval Cesetti, piano
Camargo Guarnieri – Toccata
Ronaldo Rolim, piano
Lauro Lira – Roda de Capoeira
Lauro Lira, cello
Third set
Villa-Lobos – Alma Brasileira
Susanne Hess, piano
Babi de Oliveira – Vamo Saravá
Angelo Fernandes, baritone
Mauricy Martin, piano
Camargo Guarnieri – Improviso no.2
Max Barros, piano
Fábio Neves – Chiforímpula, Op. 3
Durval Cesetti, piano
Villa-Lobos – O Trenzinho do Caipira
Orquestra Jovem de Paquetá
Bruno Jardim, conductor
Angelo Fernandes, baritone
Christina Margotto, piano
Clélia Iruzun, piano
Durval Cesetti, piano
Kaio Morais, tenor
Lauro Lira, cello
Leonardo Silva, percussion
Mauricy Martin, piano
Max Barros, piano
Renato Figueiredo, piano
Ronaldo Rolim, piano
Ronedilk Dantas, violin
Susanne Hess, piano
Sylvia Thereza, piano

Art by Ernani Silva
Dance your blues Away 18×24 Mixed media on canvas