Learning Center – Brazilian Rhythms Maracatu

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Maracatu is a musical rhythm originating in the State of Pernambuco. Also known as Maracatu de Nação or Maracatu Rural. It is characterized mainly by strong percussion, at frenetic pace, which originated in the congadas, Coronation ceremonies of Kings and Queens of the black Nation. The percussion is based in large drums, called alfaias (pulse of the Maracatu), accompanied by boxes, taro, (ganzás) and a gonguê.  Ask us about our Brazilian Rhythms courses!
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Youth Support

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Our music projects support young people to develop their creative and social skills, make positive contributions to their community and improve their well being.
It will provide an opportunity where all children—regardless of circumstances, can thrive socially and academically through music education that promotes creative expression, teamwork, discipline and social responsibility.

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