Fifty-Ninth National Conference – Contribute to Travel Grants!
student awards 2From May 1 through September 8 of 2016, we invite you to contribute to the 2016 Growing a Presence project and to the Student Travel fund. On September 8 fundraising will close for the year and 100% of the monies received will be used for travel grants to the 2016 National Conference in Santa Fe. The project is administered by The CMS Fund and all gifts and contributions are tax deductible. The deadline for contributions to the 2016 grant programs is September 8, 2016.
We hope that our generous donors will consider making a gift to these two travel funds. All contributions—from small to large—will be appreciated. Contributions may be made by
Checks mailed to the CMS Executive Office at the address below. Please indictate that your contribution is for the 2016 Growing a Presence fund, the Student Travel fund, or both.
Via the secure, online form
Growing a Presence of Historically Underrepresented Populations
CMS continutes its initiative to assist, via travel grants, those from populations that have, historically, been underrepresented at CMS National Conference (i.e., African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans). CMS has always been a most welcoming organization and its times of gathering—internationally, nationally, and regionally—have been most convivial occasions. CMS welcomes all to its continuing discourse. All can bring their perspectives to CMS conversations and gain valuable professional insight from them.
Travel grants of $500 will be available for the 2016 National Conference. In addition, awardees will receive complimentary conference registration, be introduced at the National Conference, and have the opportunity to participate fully in CMS conference programs. 2016 awardees will be recommended by a CMS review committee from the list of eligible applicants, and will be designated in September.
Travel for Students
Assist with travel for CMS student members. CMS provides grants to assist graduate students in attending the National Conference.